I'm back! With an article! Text and Pic heavy for those on low-bandwidth.
Ok, so I bought this stuff called Instantmold from ebay. Here's a pretty picture of it!
Here's two links: one for the product from collminiornot.com (http://www.coolminiornot.com/shop/tools ... -mold.html) and the other is a review from inquisitorlordaki.blogspot (http://inquisitorlordaki.blogspot.com/2 ... -mold.html)
Its a reusable material that you can use to make molds of your item and then recast it. I'm testing it out with a warhammer 40k part now, just waiting for the greenstuff to cure. Pictured is the set with 3 large blocks, I got the set with 6 smaller blocks, however the smaller blocks can be mashed together to make the bigger block.
So far, I've had mixed results. I'm not using a container to hold the mold in place, merely wrapping it up in itself and pressing the item in. This is causing 'layers' to form in the mold agent. And after 12hours the layers are peeling from each other which is a pain as the item might be molded into 2layers.
Anyway, I made a test mold from the tyranid Mawloc head carpace piece just with those side tubey bits. The mold wasn't easy to mash into a blob from the block and had hard parts in it. Figuring the water wasn't hot enough, I dumped it into a cup of boiling water and that worked fine.
Here's some pictures:
New blocks
My Stock piece
Green stuf added to the mold.
Finished piece, straight from the mold.
Stock piece, first and second casts. Not bad.
As you can see, I was able to make two casts from the mold. The second cast wasn't as good on the little stubs, probably because of the bending I did to get the first cast out. By the way, the casts are made from greenstuff.
I've then threw the mold agent into hot water and and now trying to make gundam hands as a test as they are more complex and are multiparts.
Here's some more pictures
They are setting now, but as I'm away this weekend, it'll be Tuesday before I can see how this works out with the two press molds. I'm not holding much faith in my skills (these are my first casts ever) so I'm going to be trying them again. Just looking at them now there's a lot of flash greenstuff, the items I was making a mold of don't appear to have been pressing in right so details are lost and the top and bottom molds seem to have slid in opposite directions. But this is all part of the learning curve.
OH, here's some WIP pictures of the tervigon based on the one here:http://darkfuturegaming.blogspot.com/2011/05/arachnarok-tervigon-conversion-painted.html
Tervigon Vs Carnifex (Just to show some scale)