Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas time!

Woo-hoo to Christmas time. A time for giving and receiving. Now I'm sure no one cares, but I'm going to say with I got for X-mas from those people close and dear to me!

My sister got me the 3disc SE of Avatar, I've seen the original cut of the film and can't wait to watch the new extended cut!!!!! She also got me a book called 'Elephants on Acid and other Bizarre Experiments' by Alex Boese. This looks like it'll be a really cool and interesting book, based on very real and very weird experiments (tickling machines and zombie kittens. WTF?)

My parents got me a mens toiletry bag with shaving gel, face balm, shower gel and mens face wash. Everything I need in one bag. I don't usually buy this kind of thing because (A) I'm cheap, (B) I'm a bit scruffy looking all the time (C) as I've said, I'm cheap. So starting this New Years Eve, there may be a cleaner looking individual in my place!

My wonderful girlfriend got me many many things: The really brilliant free floating due to magnets Doctor Who Tardis. It is so cool, spinning with no wires. Oh the fun, I spent an hour after setting it up, just spinning it making the Tardis noise!
She also got me the Tron-look-a-like Bumblebee. This version of Bumblebee is from the Transformers Generations line and the design is based on that of his 'War On Cybertron' game form. Really cool.
On the Transformers front, I also got the Transformers novel - Exodus by Alex Irvine, based on the first meeting of Megatronus and Orion Pax (Megatron and Optimus Prime in later life). The book is canon, however here's the problem: Which continuity is it canon for? The original TV series, the marvel comic, the dreamwave comic, the devils due comic, the live action film series or the IDW comic?
I also got the 1992 Grandmaster annual for the Transformers Generation 2. I'm been looking for this for the last two years. So ahppy to have it. I think (must check) that it completes my original TF annual set!
I got two (yes two) Gundam manga: the first is based on the original series timeline - Blue Destiny, a side story to the main war, and the second is Seed Vol 4 - the manga retelling of the Seed Tv series. The art in both is excellent and if you don't want to sit through 52ish episodes of Seed, the manga retellings are brilliant!
Ooooh oooh, I got the superb series: Gundam 0080 - War in the pocket, again a side story to the original Gundam storyline, showing a tiny part of the war and how it affects the people involved. And got the Gundam F91 film, an excellent film in itself, but it feels incomplete, the ending leaving you hanging and craving more.
On the gadgets side: A singing Elvis rubber ducky for the bath. I so have to start having baths instead of showers just to try this little ducky out!
And finally ( i think, hope i didnt leave anything out) a really funky retro style robot, whose arms and legs have usb ports. The whole robot is an USB hub for my laptop, but the best bit is: his arms and legs move!!!!!!

BRILLIANT X-MAS PRESENTS FOR ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hope Santa came to all!

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